Mindfulness to Elevate Your Organization
Apply mindfulness tools to disrupt ‘thinking as usual,’ drive change and support mental well being.
I teach Type-A corporate professionals how to apply mindfulness.
I bring mindfulness into the workplace to disrupt thinking as usual, navigate stress and spark motivation.
How can your thinking work better for you?
Mindfulness tools are for real life.
We bring our thinking with us everywhere and it informs every action we take or don’t!
Applying the practices of mindfulness can open up creative problem solving, help us to manage stress more effectively, work more positively with others and much more.
Challenges, stressors and problems will still exist, but we can more skillfully navigate them with these tools.
Schedule a call to connect.
Discuss your organization or group’s vision, goals and challenges.
I’ll tailor my presentation to specifically address what is unique to your group.
the podcast
ask a better question
No matter where we look, asking better questions is the key to opening up new thinking, possibility, understanding and, most importantly, generating different action.
Want different results? It all begins with our thinking. Especially in the face of work, life or global challenges, let's use the principles of mindfulness to ask better questions.
And from there we can make positive change.
Jennifer taught life-changing lessons on how to be fully “present” during the work day, and therefore, more productive.
I never heard the word ‘mindfulness’ until I began practicing yoga as an adult. (And even then I wasn’t sure what it was or why it mattered?)
Mindfulness can have the connotation of not being applicable in the 'real world.' I disagree.
We bring our thinking to every situation and it informs our words and actions. To create better and different results in our personal and professional lives, thinking is where it all begins.
As both a former CPA and now yoga instructor for 13 years, I connect with audiences to demystify mindfulness and share its real life application.
How to Be More Mindful at Work